Colorado Senior Property Tax Exemption

Click the button bellow for the Senior Property Tax Exemption Printable Short Form.

If you have any questions, please contact your County Assessor’s Office.

In 2000, voters amended the Colorado Constitution with the adoption of Section 3.5 of Article X. The amendment, and subsequent legislation, created a property tax exemption for two groups of people: a) qualifying seniors, and b) the surviving spouses of seniors who previously qualified. The three basic requirements are; 1) the qualifying senior must be at least 65 years old on January 1 of the year in which he/she qualifies; 2) the qualifying senior must be the owner of record, and must have been the owner of record for at least ten consecutive years prior to January 1; 3) the qualifying senior must occupy the property as his/her primary residence, and must have done so for at least ten consecutive years prior to January 1.

For those who qualify, 50 percent of the first $200,000 of actual value of the property is exempted. The state will pay the exempted property tax. The exemption is effective January 1, 2002, and the exemption affects property taxes billed in 2003. If you own multiple residences, only one can be designated as your primary residence.

Senior Property Tax Exemption In Colorado
Short Form Instructions

Please provide your name, social security number and date of birth. (Your spouse should be identified in section 6, even if he or she also qualifies.)

  • Identify the property address and its schedule or parcel number.
  • List the city or town, zip code of the property, and the telephone number where you can be reached.
  • List your mailing address here if different from your property address. ( If your mailing address is not located in the same community, please attach an explanation.)
  • Age, Occupancy, and Ownership – In order to use the Short Form, all three questions in this section must be answered “True”. If any questions are “False”, please review the Long Form Qualifications to see if you still qualify.
  • Each additional person who occupies the property, as his or her primary residence, must be listed here, along with his or her social security number. The form will be kept confidential. If your husband or wife occupies the property, he or she must be on the first line and identified as your spouse. If more than three additional people occupy the property, you can attach an additional sheet with their names and social security numbers.
  • You must sign and date the form. If the form is signed on behalf of the applicant by a guardian, conservator, or attorney-in-fact, that person must provide documentation of his or her authority in the form of a court order or power of attorney. If there is a contact person other than the applicant, please provide the name and telephone number of that person.
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