Baca County Website Credits

This site and it’s content was created by Baca County Government, but there were some key people we want to credit for their photo submissions and continued work with the website.


Robert Bechman

Local Photographer

Robert is a local talent that has some high res photos of the Rodeo captured at just the right moment. You can find Robert’s photos in the Rodeo and Parade photo galleries and these photos are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Cheryl Porter Photography

Local Photographer

Cheryl is a local talent that has a spectacular range of nature images featured on the Baca County website. These images are watermarked with Cheryl’s name on them and are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Spike Ausmus

Local Photographer

Spike is a local talent who captured some spur of the moment nature shots that capture the spirit of Baca County. Spike’s photos are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

baca county logo Welcome the official website of Baca County, Colorado.


All rights reserved. Special photo credits to some of our local talent.